Sheet Up!
We've all heard it; your makeup will only ever look as good as the skin underneath. Whether you are into makeup or not, we all want healthy glowing skin. There is one skincare trend that has made a splash in the skincare industry that I SWEAR by to help get your skin as healthy and glowy as possible; Sheet Masks.

What is a sheet mask? It is a little face shaped cotton that is pre-saturated in a serum that you lay on your skin and relax. When the timer runs out, you simply toss the sheet in the trash and put your skincare right on the top - no rinsing required. It couldn't be easier!
Guaranteed to give you, what I call, 'Awesome Face', there is something magical that happens to your skin after it has been heavily immersed in the serum that is being driven into the skin by the sheet. There are a ton of options out there, so grab a lot of different types that help with all sorts of ailments.
Everyone has 20 minutes they can find once a week. I recommend doing the sheet mask in the morning so you can take advantage of the fact that you now have awesome face and can show off your glowy complexion and your makeup will glide on and wear better. Pop one on when you get out of the shower and then go make your breakfast, check your emails...whatever you do in the AM. On days where I am not putting on makeup, I have been known to throw one on when I get in the car and then slide my sunglasses on so secure it in place so it doesn't impair my sight. A great bonus is freaking out drivers around you when you slowly turn your head and look directly at them with your best Michael Meyers impression.
Here are some of my favorites I recommend:
Sephora Collection: ALL OF THEM!
NO seriously, every SINGLE time I buy something at Sephora I always put at least one Sephora Collection Mask in my basket. They are super affordable and my skin feels sooooo amazing afterward. There isn't one I have tried I didn't love. There are ton of options, so grab a few next time you are at Sephora and try a bunch out!

My next recommendation is from Farmacy. My favorite is the deep moisture mask but whatever mask you pick up, you will love. What I love about these masks is that 'sheet' itself is made of coconut meat, rather than paper or cotton and it sticks to the skin like a glove while it delivers all it's anti-oxidant and hydrating goodness to your skin!

There are so many I love but had to just pick three, so I will leave you with some Dr. Jart! They have a few different types of sheet masks which are all amazing but I really like this specific collection of masks. The packaging has enlarged pill capsules on them and they are all very targeted to specific areas of the skin to do various things, like lift and tighten, smooth out wrinkles, etc.

I'd love to hear some of your favorites you have tried in the comment section below!